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[Student Reporters] Changing Seasons Bring Rise in Colds

In April 2011 the number of students who caught colds dramatically increased in Asia Pacific International School (APIS) due to the influence of rapidly changing seasons. Although flowers started to bloom and forests once again found their colors the overall health of APIS students has weakened. Ms. Julie Jung the school officer stated that the statistics show more students were absent because of sickness in April than students did in March. Also according to the research approximately five students caught a cold in a single class and one or two students missed school due to the sickness. Ashley Chang, a victim of the influenza said "I had a horrible time and I still have not recovered." The trend also influenced the nurse room. Ms. Kim the school nurse claimed "Use of Tylenol and fever reducer greatly increased in this month." How are the changing seasons making people vulnerable to viruses? The answer comes from the huge difference of temperature between day and night. Our body uses up more energy than usual to adjust to the rapidly changing environment and when our stamina weakens it provides a perfect environment for viruses to flourish. Therefore we should try to prevent colds during the change of the seasons with five simple strategies… 1. Washing hands frequently 2. Exercising regularly 3. Getting deep sleep 4. Ventilating regularly 5. Wearing warm clothes However make sure you are not socially isolating your friends just because they caught colds!


[Student Reporters] Going Camping for Calculus and the Great Outdoors?

Rivers flowing through the mountains snow falling throughout the day trees in every direction. Most people see these sceneries only when they are camping not when they are studying for AP exams. AP Calculus students at the Los Angeles Center for Studies held a Calculus Camp on April 7 to 10 to study for the exam. Most students study individually or sometimes in small study groups. However at the Calculus Camp students all gathered in the cafeteria and cabin in a larger study group. The camp was arranged by the Calculus Club and many students found it to be helpful. Ruby Kim sophomore said "It was more fun than I expected because we got to ask each other questions and benefit from them." Kim believes that the camp helped her get more attention than in a classroom and learn from her peers. Everyone can benefit from using this method of studying because they can review by teaching others and learn new things from others. The Calculus Camp was also a unique way of studying because students were able to enjoy camping with their friends while learning. It was not as tedious as studying regularly because they were able to do activities like hiking between the study sessions. Kim said "Calculus Camp is very hard to manage so it's impressive how it was managed at LACES. Other schools might not have a club that arranges it." The camp was a special experience for students at LACES because they got an opportunity to enjoy Calculus while studying for the exam. The camp itself consisted of busy schedules for each of the four days. Kim said "I didn't realize that I could get so much studying done in one day." These schedules helped students benefit the most from the camp by encouraging them to work hard every day. Many students like Ruby Kim who attended Calculus Camp think that it was an effective way of studying for the AP exam. Other schools can also use this method of studying to help students get higher scores on the AP exams.


[Student Reporters] "물 아껴쓸래요"

지난 4월 과학의 달을 맞아 한국과학창의재단의 주최로 과학탐구토론대회가 열렸다. 이 대회는 학교 대회 지역 대회를 통과한 대표들은 전국 대회에 참가한다. 오는 5~6월에 걸쳐 진행될 지역 대회를 준비하고 있는 황룡초등학교 5학년 대표 황태웅.박민주.유지원 세 학생을 만났다. 1. 과학탐구토론대회에 참가하게 된 이유는? 황: 예전부터 물에 대해 탐구해보고 싶었는데 이번 대회가 좋은 기회가 될 것 같아서 참가하게 되었다. 좋은 친구들과 팀이 되어서 재미있을 것 같았다. 박: 탐구토론대회는 창의과학축제 중 한 종목이었는데 이런 대회가 있다는 것을 처음 알아서 어떤 대회인지 궁금했다. 유: 그냥 과학탐구대회가 아니라 토론대회여서 어떤 대회일지 궁금했다. 2. 학교대표로 뽑히기 위해 어떤 노력을 했나? 황: 책을 읽으면서 이런저런 지식도 쌓았고 알게 된 것들을 보고서와 프레젠테이션으로 만들기도 했다. 박: 처음에는 물 부족에 대한 자료 조사를 하기 위해 여러 가지 책을 읽었다. 그 다음에 실험을 하고 보고서와 프레젠테이션을 만들었는데 힘들었지만 재미있었다. 유: 매일같이 책을 읽으면서 퀴즈도 내고 실험을 하면서 사진도 찍었다. 공부를 하면서 얻은 정보를 가지고 보고서와 프레젠테이션도 만들었는데 밤늦게까지 만들었을 때는 졸리기도 했지만 보람 있었다. 3. 토론대회를 하면서 얻은 것은? 황: 물 부족에 대해 많은 지식을 얻었다. 토론이 어떤 것인지도 알게 되었다. 박: 물에 대해 많은 지식을 얻었고 토론을 직접 해보면서 어떤 것인지도 느낄 수 있었다. 다음에 또 토론을 하면 잘 할 수 있을 거라는 자신감도 생겼다. 4. 대회를 하면서 느낀 점은? 황: 이렇게 많은 물이 낭비되고 있는 줄 몰랐다. 앞으로는 세수하고 양치할 때 물을 받아서 아껴야겠다. 박: 나도 물을 아껴야 된다고 생각했다. 팀워크도 길러졌고 생각보다 많은 것을 배울 수 있었다. 정말 재미있었다. 유: 앞으로 물을 더 아껴 쓸 것이다. 내년에도 친구들과 다시 탐구하고 싶다.


[Student Reporters] Batting Hunger at the LA Foodbank

On the morning of April 30th 8 members of the Make-a-Wish club of North Hollywood High School gathered at the Los Angeles Regional Foodbank in order to aid in the war effort against hunger. The Make-a-Wish Club which specializes in various volunteer services joined 100 other volunteers at the Foodbank in a food sorting session to give back to the community and to gain community service hours as well. "I think that if we're benefitting from being a part of this society we should always give something back" said Jessica Lee a junior and the President of the Make-a-Wish Club "There are a lot of people out there who can't even afford to buy food and it's our job to help them by taking part in the efforts to organize and distribute foodstuffs to these people." Since the daily amount of work needed at the Foodbank far surpasses the amount of work the employees and staff are capable of providing volunteers are always welcomed. "I don't think the Foodbank could run and do its job without its lovely volunteers" said Kate Cook a staff member responsible for aiding the volunteers at the Los Angeles Regional Foodbank "Volunteers are always appreciated in such settings." Responsible for sorting out and throwing away inedible rotten fruits and vegetables while picking out and organizing the fresh ones the volunteers spent 4 hours filling up countless crates with comestible produce By the end of the session the members of the Make-A-Wish Club covered in fruit and vegetable juices were filled with high spirits and left greatly satisfied with their work-knowing that their efforts would help many families in need overcome some of their difficulties. "The feeling of satisfaction that comes from this kind of volunteer work is overwhelming" said Richard Ban a sophomore member of the Make-a-Wish Club. Ban and his fellow members of the Make-a-Wish Club felt that experiences like these were necessary in order to help shape a better person and a better community and that such efforts to help those in need were small but crucial steps toward developing a more ideal society.


[Student Reporters] Home-running through the frist 2 years of YLHS Baseball Team

“History Starts Here” certainly describes the first baseball teams of Yorba Linda High School, considering that YLHS baseball teams were established in 2009. So far, these teams have onl won two games. However, within the past two years, Freshman/Sophomore, Junior Varsity, and Varsity players have worked very hard in settling their first teams, building the bases for their followers. In years 2009-2010, Fresh/Soph and JV players competed at the Varsity level. Now, the same players are playing in the Varsity League. Overcoming this very competition, Coach Stein praises, “Mentally and physically, we have grown tremendously. We’re facing guys through a lot harder than what we saw last year, consistently.” Coach Stein says that these baseball teams support a philosophy: “Faith, family, education, and baseball. The first three are the priority. Baseball is a privilege, not a student’s right. So the students have to understand how to prioritize their things in life, how to understand that education comes before baseball. But they also have to understand that when they come out to baseball, we expect them to work harder to do practice, [to] take the time to enjoy it because it is a game, and to carry over their experience from practice to game situations, and then to be able to react under various situations calmly” After two years of coaching these teams, Coach Stein proudly reasons Joe Walls as the most consistent offensive player, Tommy Dedrick as the most consistent defensive player, and Trent Paddon as the most contributing pitcher. According to Coach Stein, “Besides having the facility built on time and properly, getting the young men to come together and to work together as a team” was the hardest challenge that he had to face. The proudest moments in the past two years were “the first Varsity when the players were able to achieve, not that I as a coach, but the first varsity win, and watching all the kids achieve at their best possible level.” Coach Stein confides that what makes this team special is the “nineteen men roster that we have wearing the uniforms.”


[Student Reporters] URECA 연구 발표회 성황

지난 4월 27일 스토니브룩 대학에서 주최하는 URECA 발표 및 축하 행사가 열렸다. URECA는 스토니브룩 및 타 대학생에게 독창적 연구 기회를 장려하는 스토니브룩 연구 프로그램으로 이번 발표회에서는 학생들의 다양한 연구 주제를 전시 자연과학 사회과학은 물론이고 엔지니어링과 무대 디자인까지 다양한 연구 분야에 관련된 포스트 프레젠테이션이 분포되어 있었다. 또한 이 날 순수 과학과 예술 관련으로는 영문학 세계사 그리고 심리학 교수진들이 컨퍼런스를 열어 관심 있는 학생들과 심도있게 소통했다. 응용 과학과 엔지니어링 관련으로는 나노공학에 관련된 대학생 연구 심포지엄이 열렸으며 4학년 학생들의 졸업 작품 전시회 또한 열려 다양한 볼거리와 지식 나눔에 동참했다. 이외에도 포스트 프레젠테이션 전시회의 한 면에는 학기 중이나 방학 중의 다양한 연구 기회를 제공하는 교수진들과 학생들의 홍보가 이어졌으며 학생들의 연구 진로 위한 멘토링도 이루어졌다. 교수들의 설명과 학생들의 열성적인 독려에 흥미로운 표정을 지으며 자신이 관심있는 분야에 지원하려는 학생들이 줄서 있었다. 이화 여자 대학교에서 교환학생으로 온 신예나 양 (4학년)은 "미국에서 공부하는 학생들의 다양한 연구 발표와 전시를 한 눈에 볼 수 있어서 좋다. 한국에서도 이토록 대규모로 학생 연구 전시회를 하면 좋겠다 매우 흥미롭다"라며 관심을 표했다.


[Student Reporters] Raising Awareness about the North Korea Crisis

Last Friday on April 29 the Liberty in North Korea (LiNK) chapter at Glen A. Wilson High School hosted a free film screening of a documentary called "Hiding" after school. The film was about a group of North Korean refugees hiding in China and their attempt to find freedom in a safe country. North Korea is an oppressive regime ruled by Kim Jong-il. There is no food or freedom. Millions of civilians die from hunger and people are sent to concentration camps if they oppose the government. North Koreans escape to China with hopes of finding food work and freedom. However living in China is not any better because North Korean refugees have to hide from Chinese officials who send them back to their country to face torture or execution. Also almost all North Korean women and children fall victim to exploitation and sex trafficking in China. Liberty in North Korea is a non-profit organization that rescues these refugees and resettles them in South Korea or the United States. $2500 is needed to rescue one refugee. The funds provide food medical care shelter transit and other expenses along the way. The Wilson LiNK chapter was the first chapter to raise over $2500 in the spring semester. A refugee was already rescued thanks to their fundraising efforts. Naomi Du vice president of the LiNK chapter and senior said "My experience this year has been very very amazing. I got to meet so many new passionate and motivated people who do everything they can to support our cause. I just have so much hope for our chapter because from here we can only improve and grow." LiNK Nomads or representatives from the organization came to the screening to speak about the North Korea refugee crisis sell t-shirts and ask for donations. Katie Voytastek a LiNK nomad said "We are traveling storytellers. We raise awareness about the human rights crisis going on in North Korea and in China with the refugees. We go around to different schools churches colleges and just anyone who wants to listen. We show them films about the North Korea crisis and get people inspired to do something for this issue." After the screening Kathie Tang a sophomore said "The screening was really really good. The nomads talked people listened and they made a difference."


[Student Reporters] AP Teachers going above and beyond

"History Starts Here" certainly describes the first baseball teams of Yorba Linda High School considering that YLHS baseball teams were established in 2009. So far these teams have only won two games. However within the past two years Freshman/Sophomore Junior Varsity and Varsity players have worked very hard in settling their first teams building the bases for their followers. In years 2009-2010 Fresh/Soph and JV players competed at the Varsity level. Now the same players are playing in the Varsity League. Overcoming this very competition Coach Stein praises "Mentally and physically we have grown tremendously. We're facing guys a lot harder than what we saw last year consistently." Coach Stein says that these baseball teams support a philosophy: "Faith family education and baseball. The first three are the priority." After two years of coaching these teams Coach Stein proudly reasons Joe Walls as the most consistent offensive player Tommy Dedrick as the most consistent defensive player and Trent Paddon as the most contributing pitcher. According to Coach Stein "Besides having the facility built on time and properly getting the young men to come together and to work together as a team" was the hardest challenge that he had to face. The proudest moments in the past two years were "the first Varsity when the players were able to achieve the first varsity win and watching all the kids achieve at their best possible level." Coach Stein confides that what makes this team special is the "nineteen man roster that we have wearing the uniforms."


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